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Civil Engineering Department Graduate Office Space Rules

Office space provided by the department is state owned property. Department staff such as facilities and IT do not need to request access to your office before entering. Having a desk space is a privilege, not a right. Your desk assignment will be revoked if you fail to adhere to the below rules.

  • Students are required to keep all of their belongings confined to their desk.  You may not use other desks or the floor for storage or additional space.
  • Please do not adjust the thermostat; it will be set by department staff.  It may be adjusted according to seasonal changes.
  • There are to be no kitchen appliances in the graduate office areas, this includes refrigerators or microwaves.  Coffee pots are allowed if they are kept clean and confined to your desk.
  • No additional furniture or storage items are allowed in the graduate offices, including bicycles.  Items found will be removed and thrown away.
  • Offices are to be kept professional and clean at all times.
  • Do not attach items to the walls or doors, use either the whiteboards or tack strips.  You may pin items to cubicle dividers.  Damage to the walls and/or doors will not be tolerated.
  • Each desk has been provided with one Ethernet connection for a department computer.  Personal computers must use the TAMULink wireless connection.  Personal computers are not allowed to use campus Ethernet connections.
  • Do not share your room or desk key.
  • All keys must be returned upon your departure from the department.  Those who do not return their keys will not be able to graduate and/or register for classes.
  • Upon departure, please leave your desk space clean and empty.  Computer equipment must be brought to DLEB 609, so that it can be prepared for another student.